Wrapping up the 2018 Creation Retreats

exploring the hardest problems in creation

Wrapping up the 2018 Creation Retreats

October 8, 2018 Retreats 0

We just wrapped our 2018 retreat series with our first annual Big Bear Creation Retreat at Big Bear Lake, California.  We had a great group of students and professors join us as we considered the themes and ideas from Dr. Wood’s new book The Quest. Dr. Wood encouraged them all to look forward to the exploring the great wonders of God’s creation rather than becoming bogged down by the struggles and discouragements of the culture war.  The “secret to success” in the career of a creation scientist is the great commandments that Christ gave us: love God and neighbor.  Without that, Paul tells us in I Corinthians 13:2 that we are nothing.  By loving God and our neighbor as we explore God’s creation, we are shaped into the likeness of Jesus.

Our Creation Retreats are designed to give creationists an opportunity to think carefully about difficult questions while enjoying fellowship in a relaxed, low-pressure environment. During each weekend, we challenge the mind and refresh the spirit.  The 2019 spring retreats have already been announced.  Our Shenandoah Valley Creation Retreat in March will feature Hans Madueme leading us on the theme of death and the Fall.  Then in April, Paul Garner will help us to reflect on the great challenges of creationist geology at the Smoky Mountain Creation Retreat.  Keep watching this space for announcements on ticket availability.  We hope to see you there!