A $10,000 Opportunity!

exploring the hardest problems in creation

A $10,000 Opportunity!

December 16, 2024 Administration 0

We’re very excited to announce our biggest matching gift ever.  One generous donor has come forward to match every gift from now until the end of Christmas day up to $10,000!  That’s just ten days to raise $10,000 to claim the full amount of the match.

We’ve had a busy year here at Core Academy, and we hope you’ve been following our “Reviewing 2024” posts, where you can learn all about our successful retreats, our new offices, and our research progress.  Today, we’re debuting our 100th episode of Let’s Talk Creation that gives you a glimpse into our Creation Together event from last summer, featuring Dr. Wood and Darrel Falk.  Read Dr. Wood’s thoughts at his blog, and watch the video at the Let’s Talk Creation channel on YouTube.

We hope you’ve been excited and blessed by our work, and we hope you’ll help us reach our $10,000 goal!  Check out our donation page to find out how you can make a contribution.  Thank you!