Author: coreweb

exploring the hardest problems in creation

Public lecture: Neandertals in Your Family Tree: Introducing Grandpa Thag

  The newest public lecture from Core Academy of Science features our president Todd Wood discussing ancient DNA. One of the most startling discoveries of the modern age revealed that Europeans and Asians have Neandertal ancestors! Come find out how this discovery was made and what it means for you, your family, and the meaning…
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September 3, 2018 0

Hard questions: Human hybrids

This post begins an ongoing series on the hardest questions in creation. For an introduction to the idea of “hard questions,” see our introductory essay.  These occasional essays and commentaries will examine creationist perspectives on challenging research discoveries. A tiny bone fragment discovered in a cave in Siberia lead to the revelation that the woman…
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August 31, 2018 0

The International Conference on Creationism in Review

Dr. Wood recently completed a seven-part series reviewing his experiences at the 2018 International Conference on Creationism, where Core Academy scientists presented five different papers. This ICC was notably different. Very different. Other people even mentioned it to me. The papers were more substantive. There were lots of young people attending and presenting. Hanging around…
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August 20, 2018 0

Newly Discovered Scopes Trial Photos Come to Core Academy

Core Academy of Science recently acquired three newly discovered photographs of the Scopes Trial at a public auction.  The photos have never been published before, and they depict tourists posing with a “Read your Bible” sign as well as the Rhea County Courthouse. In the steamy summer of 1925, the famous Scopes “Monkey Trial” occurred…
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August 13, 2018 0