Category: Uncategorized

exploring the hardest problems in creation

Join Us for Core Academy’s Annual Supporter’s Banquet

  UPDATE: Unfortunately, we have cancelled this year’s banquet. We understand that this may inconvenience those who have purchased tickets, and we sincerely apologize. At this time, however, it is better for us to focus our resources on advancing our primary mission to nurture the next generation of faithful, Christ-like creation researchers to explore the hardest…
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October 1, 2021 0

The International Conference on Creationism in Review

Dr. Wood recently completed a seven-part series reviewing his experiences at the 2018 International Conference on Creationism, where Core Academy scientists presented five different papers. This ICC was notably different. Very different. Other people even mentioned it to me. The papers were more substantive. There were lots of young people attending and presenting. Hanging around…
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August 20, 2018 0